It is hard to find good information online about rooftop patio ideas. You can search a long time and come up with very little that is useful. The best thing to do might be to go to Google and search for all the pictures you can find and you can do that by following this link. You can also search for related terms like rooftop decks and rooftop gardens and looking at the variety of pictures will probably give you a few good ideas.

Before go out and add any structures to a rooftop, make sure you check with your homeowners association and/or with the city to make sure you are allowed to do it. You might need to get a city permit if you add on and it is always better to check first before you spend the money.

If you are thinking about building a rooftop patio or deck on a space that has no railings and wasn't intended for that type of use, you will need to do a lot of extra planning to make sure you construct an area that is safe. In this type of situation, it would be smart to hire a professional contractor that can come out and make sure nothing is overlooked.

The furniture you choose should be outdoor furniture that can be bolted down or attached in some way so that it can't blow over. Umbrellas and light furniture are not recommended because something like that could also blow off the building and cause damage or injure someone below. Patio furniture that is used on a rooftop should also obviously be strong enough to withstand the elements such as rain, snow, and the sun. Furniture that comes with covers would be best for this type of outdoor environment.

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